Sunday, January 16, 2011

So this must be it? Welcome to the New Year!

This has been an incredibly good week for me. First off, I have reached my goal of losing 100 lbs! Of course now that I've done that, I probably would like to lose another 20. And once I get there, I'm sure there will be something else I want! Also, I did my very first pull up! This might not sound very impressive, but it's a pretty big deal for me. I seem to be able to do 1 single pull up every 30 minutes or so. I've installed a pull up bar so that I can continue this until I can do 2 then 3 and so on and so forth.

Last, I started playing my horn. You see, I used to be a musician. I was very good at what I did, but I never allowed myself to feel truly at ease with my abilities. I was hypercritical of myself and (as a perfectionist) if it wasn't perfect, it was wrong. Instead of truly working out my flaws, I would nitpick every tiny detail until I basically went crazy and had to give it all up. I haven't touched my horn in over 8 years. That is, until this week!

It feels good to be doing well for myself; taking actual strides forward. I saw my doctor, and he is even thrilled with my physical progress. He believes that if I can continue to eat a Meat, Dairy, Nut and Gluten Free lifestyle, combined with a good amount of physical activity, I may not only be able to ease many of my problems, but actually completely cure them. Can you imagine, a completely natural cure for Rhuematoid Arthritis and Fibromialgia; as well as keeping my allergies at bay? That keeps me going, for sure!

This is why, I have decided to use my new blog to share my life; not just for my own benefit, but hopefully other's. This is not only something you can do, but something you could come to enjoy! I know I do! Life is good right now!